Inku Calendar
A retro ePaper display that brings wit and charm to your daily schedule with its smart features and AI avatar companion
A Day With Inku
Daily Overview 🔆
Before your day starts, Inku will look through your calendar and to-do lists to give you a visual Daily Overview. A sense of “how busy is my day today? 🤔” - without the stressful clutter of 10 rows of calendar invites.
"What’s Next" and Smart Summaries ➡️
Once we get into you day, Inku will provide you with an hour-by-hour view of What's Next on your schedule. Displaying only what you need to know: the who's, the what's , and the why's.
Your Calendar Companion
Your Joyful, Quirky Companion 🎁
Whenever Inku gets the chance, it will inject nuggets of whimsy and fun into your day with contextual AI-generated commentary. And yes, Inku will surprise you with the occasional haiku. (No, there are no guarantees on the haiku quality.)
Visual Unwind 😌
At the end of each day, Inku will help you unwind by adopting a Visual Unwind screen. Enjoy the relaxing view, because you've earned it!